Invitation: St. George's Day Event in Budapest Supporting UNICEF, Wednesday 24 April

/ 2024. 04. 24. – 2024. 04. 24.

You’re warmly invited to meet up with the English speaking community on this special occasion - held at the mega Premium Section of Etele Cinema - for an evening full of excellent entertainment, social networking and free-flowing refreshments.

You'll be in good company with friendly expats & cosmopolitan locals from Hungary’s business, diplomatic & cultural circles at this popular annual gathering to mark the Patron Saint of England, AKA Szent György.

Every nationality is welcome for a red carpet reception featuring Fine Wine Tasting, Super Street-Food, ‘Back to Black’ Film Screening, and a musical Afterparty with an expat DJ playing English hits, plus an amazing prize auction will help UNICEF Hungary.

Location: Etele Cinema Premium Level, 1119 Budapest, Hadak útja 1.
Date: 24 April, 19:00.

Event description, tickets: